COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries by country

Дата публікації: 11.03.2020

Автори: Roser Max , Ritchie Hannah

Ключові слова: COVID -19, SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus, coronavirus conference, sars-cov-2 conference, coronavirus for doctors

The World Health Organization (WHO), researchers from Johns Hopkins University, and other institutions all maintain datasets on the number of cases, deaths, and recoveries from the disease.

These are made in a number of useful dashboards and websites listed below.

Because these helpful tools already exist, we at Our World in Data will not publish yet another dashboard or data tracker. 

Instead we list available data sources below and embed the dashboards from Johns Hopkins University and the World Health Organization.


Up-to-date Johns Hopkins data

The dashboard embedded here is published and hosted by researchers at the Center for Systems Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. It shows the number and location of confirmed COVID-19 cases, deaths, and recoveries in all affected countries.

The researchers have the intention to “continue hosting and managing the tool throughout the entirety of the COVID-19 outbreak”.

Scientific Paper: The background paper for the Johns Hopkins’ dashboard was published by Dong, Du, and Gardner (2020) in The Lancet Infectious Disease.12 This paper also includes a comparison of this data with the data reported by the WHO and the Chinese CDC.

Data: All collected data in this effort from the Johns Hopkins University is made freely available by the researchers through this GitHub repository. You can download all the data shown in the embedded dashboard. Information on the sources of their data can also be found directly there.


Up-to-date WHO data

The World Health Organization (WHO) publishes a dashboard similar to that of Johns Hopkins above. The WHO dashboard on global cases and deaths is also embedded here.

In this dashboard it is possible to see up-to-date country specific data by selecting the country in the top right.

In addition to this dashboard, the WHO publishes daily Situation Reports which can be found here.
[Wikipedia helpfully summarizes the statistics from the situation reports on this page.]


Up-to-date nCoV-2019 Data Working Group data

The nCoV-2019 Data Working Group, which includes colleagues from the University of Oxford, publishes epidemiological data from the outbreak via this global dashboard. From this dashboard it is possible to obtain the underlying data which includes demographic and epidemiological descriptions of a long list of individual cases.

Their data on the list of cases includes individual travel history and key dates for each patient – date of onset of symptoms, date of hospitalisation and date of laboratory confirmation of whether the person was infected with the COVID-19 virus or not.

This data is intended to be helpful in the estimation of key statistics for the disease: Incubation period, basic reproduction number (R0), age-stratified risk, risk of importation.

In previous disease outbreaks such global individual data was not openly available.


Up-to-date data from China’s CDC

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention publishes data via their dedicated site Tracking the epidemic.

License: All of Our World in Data is completely open access and all work is licensed under the Creative Commons BY license. You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited.

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